The Best Sexting Apps for Couples

The Best Sexting Apps for Couples

Sexting isn’t just for singles or people having extramarital affairs. Click here for: Facts about couple who sext – In fact, many people in committed relationships use sexting as a way to enhance and enjoy their sex life. According to recent research, couples report sexting improves their relationship significantly. It isn’t just because it is about sex either. Sexting each other requires thought and imagination. You have to know what you want to say and know how to say it to get what you want. This strengthens a couple sense of intimacy. While you can always just sext back and forth in your phones messaging app, its much more fun when you use a sexting app. Here are the very best sexting apps for couples.

Best Sexting Apps for Couples – Disckreet

This is the very first discreet sexting app for couples in that it was sincerely made for that reason. They claim to be the safest way to record intimate moments for couples. They’ve accomplished this by encrypting files and making them accessible only by passcode. You and your partner are connected via the .99 cent app. All files are stored with complete privacy and accessible only to each other. Revenge porn is nonexistent with this super secure sexting app for couples. —-> DOWNLOAD IT HERE

Best Sexting Apps for Couples – Pure

Pure is a hookup app that intends to be purely sex. Nothing else. It not only encourages singles to come and explore, but those interested in couples, threesomes, and group sex as well. Couples who want to explore with others can post it right on their profile so there is no guesswork. The whole idea behind Pure is to have a purely sexual experience with no other concerns. Not even names or contact info. Pure encourages its users to keep things as anonymous as possible. If you want to stay in touch it is entirely up to you. The intense encryption keeps everything private and all communications eventually disappear. —-> DOWNLOAD IT HERE

Best Sexting Apps for Couples – Mimitate

This app works along the likes of the whole “Netflix and chill” culture. It revolves around snapping selfies as you watch your favorite movies and seeing who else is doing the same. Men send out the first selfie and women are allowed to respond. Swiping right lets her mimitate your selfie and chat about the shared movie. Swipe left to pass. This app is more about meeting people who are into the same TV and movies as you are than sex but it’s a fun place to start the conversation. Since only women can reply and men have to start the threads, it has a real dating scene vibe. —-> DOWNLOAD IT HERE

Best Sexting Apps for Couples – Facebook Messenger

If you are a longtime, secure couple and not concerned with pic leaks or security issues, then Facebook Messenger could be great for sexting. It is a superb messaging app with so many features it is impossible to use them all in one photo. Video, emojis, GIFs, stylized text, and a ton of stickers, filters, and photo enhancements make sexting even more fun. There is no security or privacy at all, so it isn’t good for new couples. —-> DOWNLOAD IT HERE

Best Sexting Apps for Couples – Confide

Sexting done through Confide is screenshot proof, ephemeral, and completely encrypted. You can say whatever you want to say without the fear of it being seen by someone it was not intended for. After your message is read the first time, it disappears forever and cannot be recovered. The end-to-end encryption ensures all messages get to where they are going safely without interruption. Their special technology prevents screenshots from being taken of your sext messages. In addition, only one line of text is shown at a time. As it disappears another is shown so the whole message is never visible. Your name is never shown with your message. —-> DOWNLOAD IT HERE

The best sexting app for a couple will depend entirely on their individual needs. Some may require screenshot protection while others may not find it necessary. Other couples may want a fully capable camera feature in their sexting messenger. Knowing what you are looking for in a sexting messenger is half the battle. There is a plethora of free sexting apps. Those with special functions and extreme security can cost anywhere from .99 to $4.99. Sexting is a great addition to a loving relationship and can liven things up in many aspects. Find the right app for you and get started.

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