Is Sexting Cheating?
Sexting, the act of sending explicit sexual messages and photos by cell phone, can be extremely detrimental to a relationship. It does however also has some very distinct advantages. While it does involve sexually charged content, it does not involve any touching or emotional attachment. So, is sexting someone else while in a relationship cheating? […]
Sexting Dos And Don’ts
Sexting is here to stay. You might as well learn to do it right.Ever since Neil Papworth sent that first SMS message in 1992, sexting was inevitable. There was no way to stop it. While every topic of conversation imaginable has been discussed in a text message, sex talk has been given its own label; […]
Sexting Safety
The number of sexts sent has risen each year. Its most popular among teens and young adults but smartphone owners of all ages have taken part in the phenomenon. It can enhance relationships both old and new, as well as a whole host of other advantages and benefits. Sexting is also a lot of fun. […]